
Onboarding of an offshore Windfarm

For a large energy company we have led the analysis phase of a offshore windfarm implementation project. ME Energy Consultancy has created the requirements and has done the alignment with TenneT and external suppliers.

Included in the project were all processes and systems for interfacing across all core capabilities, like forecasting, trading, bidding and activation processes of balancing products, settlements, BRP processes, P&L reporting and curtailment.


Implementation Flex platform

For a large flex provider ME Energy consultancy has worked on the implementation of a platform that can be used for using various types of assets (like solar, wind and batteries) on balancing and trading markets. We have created requirements and we have coordinated the IT implementation.

We have also created a standardized implementation process whereby new assets can be added to the platform in a structured and time efficient manner. This standardized process includes contractual agreements, implementation of controllers, IT systems, agreements with asset owners and service providers.

Implementation aFRR process

For a BSP party I have led a project to implement the bidding and activation processes for aFRR. I have created a process design and business requirements. I have coordinated the It development and the alignment with all internal and external parties. I have created test cases and coordinated the test phase.

Implementation mFRR process

ME Energy Consultancy has helped with the implementation of an mFRR process. We have created a process design and business requirements and we have aligned with the third party service provider on interfaces, data exchange and reporting.

Balancing and flex markets

ME Energy Consultancy has experience with business requirements, IT implementation and process optimization of various flex markets like FCR, aFRR, mFRR, Redispatch. If you're looking to implement such a process we will be able to assist you.

We know which difficulties you can encounter in an implementation project and we have solutions for handling them.

Consultancy services:
  • Business analysis
  • Alignment with TenneT / third party providers / asset owners
  • IT implementation
  • Process optimisation

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Training energy markets

In the last years we have developed several trainings about the energy market and flexibility markets.

This can cover for example the following topics: market roles, electricity markets, merit order, allocation/reallocation, energy transition, balancing markets, congestion, net metering, dynamic price contracts, virtual power plants, asset backed trading.

On request we create customized training courses and it is also possible to provide a short version of the trainings in the form of a masterclass (on location) or webinar (online).

The courses can be given in Dutch and in English.
