About this training
What are you going to learn?
This course will allow you to understand flexibility markets in the Netherlands.
Je leert over de verschillende balanceringsmarkten zoals FCR, aFRR en mFRR en ook over indirecte flex, asset backed trading en demand side response.
We will explain how the different markets work and what asset types are suitable for which markets.
We cover examples of use cases, developments in the markets, barriers and we will provide a future outlook.
After this training...
you have a basis knowledge of the flexibility markets and the developments around flex. You can use this knowledge when you work together with people on the trade floor.
Target groups
- Individuals working in energy who want a high over understanding of the flexibility markets and the latest developments in it.
- Those curious and interested in the emergence of new flexibility services.
Required knowledge: Basic understanding of energy markets & structures.
- The energy transition; what is changing and what are the challenges (e.g. grid balancing problems, congestion, price volatility). Possible solutions.
- Balancing markets; FCR, aFRR, mFRR. How do these markets work, what is the difference, what assets can be used on which market.
- Indirecte flex en asset backed trading. En hoe kan worden gecombineerd met de balanceringsproducten.
- Congestion; what is it, the latest developments, possible solutions and examples.
- Virtual power plants; wat is it and how can they be used
- The latest developments.
Duration: half a day.
Incompany: 6 to 14 participants.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your options.